again today dawned a gray day that threatened rain. So first thing this morning I thought today I would put the khaki parka I bought in these latest cuts. My first thought is your blog Judit since a few days ago made an entry with different looks to wear the khaki-colored parkas, stop by has a lot of entries I'm sure you will like them a lot and you would be able to draw many ideas to combine a lot of clothes.
Of the combinations that I have chosen proposes skirt + parka and this has been the result because I know what you think.
Alcampo discount jersey turtleneck: H & M skirt
old leather flight: winter sales Stradivarius
Moreover I want to thank Beatriz del blog , who has given me the following prize that comes with the condition to answer a series of questions to know me a little more. Beatriz Thanks again, and if any of you do not know her blog I encourage you to take a peek it.
we go.
1 .- What is your challenge? Being a good person, good mother and become one of the best professionals in my field of work.
2. What would you say to your boss if you touch the lottery? I would not say anything, because if I like work continue working and if I do not like would drop my work to a minimum rate established for that was my boss who decides to leave and I had to indeznizar with what is mine.
3 .- What would you do if you found out someone is lying? Depends on what kind of lie is and the person who tells me, if someone important to me very upset and would ask explanations of his performance, if you told me you would tell a white lie that I have caught and probably laugh with me-she of the situation. If someone is lying or I q I will not come as a big lie if you do not speak to him again and if it Deiri little lie too and I imagine that she would lose confidence in
4 .- If your house is burning and you can only save one thing that would save? I would save three things, my three children, in fact would not leave my house until q the three are out and safe.
5 .- You go into a place where many people what are you doing? depends on the day and what he had to do on the site. If something important or that I'm excited to put me among the people and try to find a place where accommodations, if what I'm looking at that moment is a quiet place not go, I'd turn around and I would go in search of a better place .
6 .- Do you see the glass half full or half empty? These now I see it as half full.
7 .- You are a magic lamp three wishes what would you ask? L or primerito all SALUDD lot for me and all mine, the second a highly paid job and only tomorrow to enjoy the remaining time with family and friends and me on one that already would use if the need arises
8 .- What is your greatest fear? fear of death
9 .- What makes you happy? View healthy and happy for my children
10 .- You get out a minute to yourself every day? I try but sometimes I find it very difficult and now I've started working again
11 .- if you could reincarnate into an animal What serious? A horse
12 .- What is your happiest memory? There are many, but especially those having to do with my children are happier
13 .- What city would live and why? San Sebastian is my favorite city I love.
14 .- What do you think? For to believe, especially me and I can get to do all that I propose, in the right direction.
15 .- What do you feel when you think? When I do not think anything more than what I'm doing.
16 .- Would you like to know your future? Some stuff if I would like to know
17 .- Blog Other names you have thought before you decide this? A little of everything and much of anything, but I was caught
18 .- Do you think you can make friends through the blogging world you frequent? SIIIIIIIIIII and meet wonderful people who otherwise would never have known
19 .- What book will remain forever etched in your memory? I love reading, but I think I will never forget as it was one of the first who made this world so I like reading is "100 Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
And now I have to nominate:
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